Reach the World makes the benefits of travel and global networks accessible to all students, inspiring the next generation of curious, confident and compassionate global citizens. Join Reach the World’s reciprocal network by embarking on a personalized virtual exchange. With Reach the World, you will match with inspirational volunteers who will video conference, participate in shared projects, and produce content just for you!
For the last 25 years, Reach the World – or “RTW” for short – has invented and deployed a set of virtual exchange products to help you bring the world vividly into your classroom. Let’s learn a little bit more about the experiences that Reach the World can offer you and your students.
Traveler Program
Reach the World’s Traveler Program is a fully customizable one-to-one virtual exchange program that connects teachers to our active traveler network across the globe and supports them in mapping global voices into their daily curriculum. Our volunteer travelers include Fulbright Scholars, Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholars and Peace Corps Volunteers traveling worldwide. This six- to 12-week program includes weekly content produced just for their students, shared projects and a minimum of three live video calls. Travelers directly inspire the next generation of global citizens to be curious about the world and seek global opportunities.

Explorer Program
Reach the World’s Explorer Program offers students front-row seats to real-life expeditions with high-profile explorers who are sharing research from the field and modeling globally-oriented careers, often with a focus on STEM. The Explorer Program is a one-to-many broadcast program with a pre-set flow. Through weekly written articles and livestream events students can meet and ask questions to the explorers at the center of global adventures. Thanks to funding from our partners, these one-to-many programs are offered to students at no cost.
Social and Emotional Learning
“As long as kids are learning about different cultures, people and countries, they’re building bridges and getting along with others better.”
3rd Grade RTW Teacher
Global Networking
“The kids loved to get to know their traveler as a person. It’s personable because they get to see the traveler one-on-one.”
– 1st Grade RTW Teacher
Curated Experiences
“RTW always goes by our lead. I go based off the curriculum and the novel we discuss in my English class. I’ll pick a traveler based off of what my students are really enthusiastic about.”
– 6th-7th Grade RTW Teacher
Full Support
“I’m not tech savvy. Am I going to be alone? But then I realized that they give us a lot of support.”
– PK RTW Teacher