Reach the World makes the benefits of travel and global networks accessible to all students, inspiring the next generation of curious, confident and compassionate global citizens.
Social and Emotional Learning
“As long as kids are learning about different cultures, people and countries, they’re building bridges and getting along with others better.”
3rd Grade RTW Teacher
Global Networking
“The kids loved to get to know their traveler as a person. It’s personable because they get to see the traveler one-on-one.”
– 1st Grade RTW Teacher
Curated Experiences
“RTW always goes by our lead. I go based off the curriculum and the novel we discuss in my English class. I’ll pick a traveler based off of what my students are really enthusiastic about.”
– 6th-7th Grade RTW Teacher
Full Support
“I’m not tech savvy. Am I going to be alone? But then I realized that they give us a lot of support.”
– PK RTW Teacher
For the last 25 years, Reach the World – or “RTW” for short – has invented and deployed a set of virtual exchange products to help you bring the world vividly into your classroom. When you join Reach the World, we will:
Curate a global experience just for you and your students
Support you via regular, virtual support
Provide additional professional development upon request for you and your team
Invite you to join other special, global events
Share our virtual exchange library with you, featuring hundreds of articles and videos
Connect you to a network of other global educators just like you

Let’s learn a little bit more about the experiences that Reach the World can offer you and your students:
The Traveler Program matches volunteer travelers and PK-12 classrooms one-on-one for intimate exchanges. Your traveler will produce content just for your students and develop shared projects with you. Match with a traveler based on your interests. Traveler Programs are four to 12 weeks in length – it’s your choice!
The Explorer Program connects PK-12 classrooms with high-profile explorers who are sharing research from the field and modeling globally-oriented careers, often with a focus on STEM. The Explorer Program is a one-to-many broadcast program with a pre-set flow. Explorer Programs vary in length – follow an adventure with your students and other educators!
The Meet the World Program invites foreign visitors to the U.S. and corporate volunteers into American classrooms for inspiring exchanges focused on global engagement and globally-oriented careers. Meet the World programs are one to two class periods long – who would you like your students to meet?
Meet a Traveler
Reach the World helps travelers amplify the impact of their abroad experiences. Through RTW, students can embark on an intimate, one-on-one virtual exchange journeys with their travelers as their guides! RTW travelers inspire the next generation of global citizens to be curious about the world – just like them.
Let’s meet Ahkenaton Furdge, a recipient of the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship and a Reach the World Traveler!
“Hello! I am Ahkenaton Furdge, a small-town boy from Clarksdale, Mississippi. I am 19 years old and this semester I’m studying abroad in Bangkok, Thailand! Studying abroad was always something I wanted to do, but I didn’t see it as a possibility until someone told me about the resources available to students who really want to make travel a part of their education. My goal is to reach everyone I can, to help them see the world for the beauty that it is, and to emphasize the complacency of staying within your own comforts. I hope that my students realize that there is more to the world than your city limits. I want to guide my students in making it their journey, as well. I want them to be successful, and this experience just may be the first step.”

Meet an Explorer
Reach the World helps explorers broaden the impact of their explorations. Through RTW, students can embark on a virtual exchange journey with world-famous explorers as their guides. RTW gives explorers the tools and support they need to engage with large, diverse student audiences while building a legacy for their work.
Let’s meet Charly Plaisir, a wildlife biologist and Reach the World Explorer!
“Hello! My name is Charly Plaisir and I am a wildlife biologist specializing in eastern grey kangaroos. I have the incredible chance to travel from Montreal, Canada to Australia once a year for three months in order to observe them. Eastern grey kangaroos are marsupials found all over eastern Australia. They eat grass, and that is pretty much what they do all day. Yet, if they cannot find enough grass to feed on, it can lead to larger problems. As a scientist, that’s where I come in!”
Meet the World Program
Do you envision a world in which every child can access a positive, personal global network? As a PK-12 educator, you are on the front lines of preparing students to survive and thrive in today’s globalized world. RTW not only connects classrooms to travelers and explorers, but also curates virtual and in-person speakers to join your classroom’s global network.
- Welcome a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) into your classroom for a cultural exchange event
- Welcome corporate volunteers from global companies into your classroom for a global careers event
Ready to Embark?
Reach the World broadcasts its Explorer Programs free to participating educators. RTW’s curated Traveler, Meet the World, and Speaker programs are fee-based. Title I discounts, volume discounts and scholarships are available. Upon request, RTW is here to help you match to a scholarship, or present to your administration.
Have questions? Email for more information. Join the Reach the World network today!