
Leverage your global competencies and professional skills to inspire the next generation of global citizens. Whether in-person or from wherever you connect to the Internet, you can mentor early-career travelers, expand global networks, and turn your passion for the power of cross-cultural engagement into a life-changing global education resource.
Coach one traveler as they share their journey online with PK-12 students, from wherever you connect to the internet. Leverage your professional skills to help deliver a high-quality global education resource to classrooms across the nation.
Over the course a four- to 12-week virtual journey, you will proofread the 1-2 articles that your traveler submits each week and provide constructive feedback online. You will exchange messages with your traveler, enjoy the virtual exchange journey and become a part of your traveler’s growing professional network.
Are you working or living around the globe? Do you enjoy building helping young adults prepare to join the global workforce – just like you? Volunteer as a Local Host, and assist a Reach the World traveler with navigating and networking in your local community abroad.
Over the course of your service, you will meet with your traveler in person, between one and three meetings. You will brainstorm article topics, engage in networking and become a part of your traveler’s growing professional network.
For more information, please contact.